How to make studies interesting

Are you bored of studying?


Boredom is the key challenge you might be experiencing while studying. It affects your potential and improvement on the same can ensure better results in terms of growth.





  1. Lack of understanding about the subject


  1. Lack of respect towards the teacher/ trainer


  1. Lack of knowing right technique to learn faster


  1. Excessive usage of electronic devices



  1. You must know the reason first:


One of the common mistakes that you might be doing is by ignoring the importance of knowing the objective of the subject you are learning.


Once you know the answer to “WHY?” your zeal increases automatically. We as humans get inspired when we know what we are expected to gain out of anything. If the result is really lucrative, you tend to get inspired to be more attentive and focused towards what you are learning.


Real life example: When I was in school, post my 10th board exams of geography I gave party to all my friends. You must be wondering, why? I never liked geography as I always use to feel they were not at all important to me.


Reason for the same is, I belong to a business class family and had no interest to do farming or something with climate. Hence I never found geography interesting.


I still remember, I asked my geography teacher why I should study geography? She replied, “It is a 100 mark paper”. I again asked, “but why should I learn geography and how will it benefit me? She replied, “don’t try to act over smart”.


This killed my desire to understand geography completely.


Later on during first few years of my teaching career I was assigned to train post graduate students about commodity markets and this time I again had to understand some aspects of geography.


You know what, this time I really enjoyed it. I am sure you understood the reason.


This was a great lesson for me and I always ensured to know the reason first.





  1. Respect the one teaching you


During my school days I remember I was good in some subjects and ok in few. I am sure you also have experienced this. I found a very interesting correlation here. The subjects I did well are the one which was taught by teachers whom I use to admire the most and vice versa is equally true.



Indian philosophy always advocates the importance of respecting teacher. It is your respect which makes you learn faster and effectively. Do some bit of self-analysis and you will get a proof here.



Although primarily teachers are responsible to build positive with student but since you now know the secret, you should respect each and every teacher. Your teacher is definitely more experienced than you and as a smart person you should take every bit of positive he possesses.





  1. Right technique of learning for you


The simplest and biggest secret in learning is to involve your 5 senses when you are studying. I have covered this topic earlier in detail in another blog. You can refer to the same here.









  1. Involve in some outdoor sports/ activities


One of the biggest challenge now a days with students is lack of participation in physical activities and they usually spend more time on digital platforms like playing games on mobile phone.



Physical activities help you from multiple aspects which ensure a holistic growth of yours. At the same time extensive usage of mobile phones and playing video games can damage your creativity and productivity at large.





  1. Pursue your passion


In almost all my blogs I strongly advocate the importance of pursuing a hobby. Reason for the same is quite simple. If you think properly, you will find our core objective of life is to be happy. While most of the things we do have some performance pressure attached to it.



Hence pursuing your passion can be a great idea. The objective should be just to enjoy. This will increase your productivity, satisfaction level and will ensure a healthy psychological state.




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